Dr. Tomeh’s Guest Presentation on the Vascular System

!اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

Ms. Shazia, the vice principal and high school biology teacher invited Dr. Tomeh to give a presentation to the senior students on the vascular system, circulation, cardiology and everything in between on February 6th, 2012. Although I’m posting them late, please still enjoy viewing photos of the presentation that the sophomores also got to benefit from!

Dr. Tomeh gave a fascinating presentation that we all enjoyed thoroughly.

We got to ask questions about heart diseases and were questioned about our future goals in college!

He brought lots of interesting tools he uses on the job. Today’s students find it incredibly fun to have something tangible to see that relates to the theoretical studies.

The sophomores came in too!

We passed around different poky instruments to see..

I’m not quite sure what exactly he was measuring – but they do!

All the students had a great time alhamdulillah.

JazakAllahukhairan to Dr. Tomeh for taking some time out of his busy schedule to give us high schoolers a presentation and to Ms. Shazia for inviting him!

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